

Welcome to my newest blogging endeavor - complete with some oldies (but goodies) culled from my old blogging-sites.

Water: It's What's for Dinner

Water: It's What's for Dinner

It’s the second week of January, and I’m doing pretty well with most of my New Year’s resolutions: get 10,000 steps every day, write in my journal every night, do ‘some’ sit-ups before I crawl into bed, read, write, write some more…

Among the approximately eight hundred things I vowed to do better this year, I told myself that I was going to drink more water.

But water is just so boring and there’s no caffeine in water…

People always talk about how they feel so much better when they start drinking more water. Not me. I feel sloshy. Like the contents of my stomach are out to sea in a kayak during a small-craft advisory.

Plus. I just don’t drink that much of anything during the day. One bottle of Coke (which does not make me feel sloshy, tastes amazing, AND has caffeine) can last me five, maybe six, hours pretty easily. Add in some coffee and a few sips of water after I brush my teeth at night—and I probably don’t drink more than fifty ounces of liquid in a day.

And now my new Fitbit wants me to drink 64 oz of WATER every day… just water.

I could make the case that there’s water in coffee and soda, but that’d be like Matt counting his occasional restless leg syndrome as taking a midnight walk.

My cute, glass water bottle holds exactly 18 oz. My goal—not Fitbit’s goal—is to drink two of those a day. So far this year, I’ve accomplished that once—polishing off the final few ounces with great flourish as if I were a college student chugging a beer, which also has water in it… not that I drink beer either…

Isolation Observations

Isolation Observations

2019 Books

2019 Books