

Welcome to my newest blogging endeavor - complete with some oldies (but goodies) culled from my old blogging-sites.

MISSING: Our car. Our pavers. Our sanity.

MISSING: Our car. Our pavers. Our sanity.

We’re a week into our new commuting routine, and so far, so good.

After a one-night stay in Orlando, I accidentally wound up with my Valrico toothbrush and deodorant in Naples, but other than that, I think we’re off to a pretty good start.

We only have one car in Naples, so I’m essentially trapped while Matt’s at work. If I’m being honest, though, I don’t leave home all that often even when I have a car at my disposal, so it really isn’t that big of a deal. (I won’t even bring up the fact that we don’t even have one of our cars here at the moment because Matt’s AC is being looked at… again. It’s either a computer issue, they say, or there’s a leak somewhere, or there’s something blocking a vent… All I know, is you can’t live in Florida without reliable air-conditioning in your vehicle and whatever it is, we want it fixed before it’s out of warranty.)

So we’re sharing a little white Audi SUV that looks like the offspring that might result from the marriage of our two cars. No complaints. We’ll just add it to the list of “stuff” we have to muddle through.

Here’s some exciting news:

Matt and I went to look at a house in Naples last night. Despite weeks and weeks of looking online, this was the first house we’ve actually walked through.

And of course, we bickered about it all evening. Matt is somehow convinced that in this town of—I don’t know—I’m gonna guess about a zillion rooftops, the house we saw last night is the only house that might possibly work for us. I tried to be a little more rational—and positive (not always my strong suit).

Was it a cute enough house? Yes.

Was it smaller than our current house? Yes.

Did it have a bathtub in the master or impact windows or a good place to build a roomful of shelves? No.

Did it have a pool? No. But we’re getting good at having those installed…. I guess.

Speaking of pools: Our Valrico pool has pavers MOST of the way around it. They failed to lay anything on the second “outside” step. (There are two little squares just outside the eventual screen doors. One has pavers, one has a pile of sand.) Not sure if they ran out of material or ran out of time or just forgot.

Then comes the decision… Do we list that house as soon as the pool is done and try to sell while prices still seem pretty strong—even if that means paying capital gains tax…? Or do we sit on it for a while? Enjoy the pool on the weekends… maybe try to avoid capital gains… but then maybe prices drop, too?

Oh, and… I now have a doctor’s appointment scheduled to discuss my nearly-constant heart palpitations.

A Confession About Bananas: Part 1

A Confession About Bananas: Part 1

Hindsight is 50/50

Hindsight is 50/50