

Welcome to my newest blogging endeavor - complete with some oldies (but goodies) culled from my old blogging-sites.

A Confession About Bananas: Part 1

A Confession About Bananas: Part 1

I don’t eat them.

I don’t think I’ve eaten a banana—just a straight-up banana that wasn’t blended into a smoothie or a juice or somehow weaseled into a granola bar—since I was maybe five or six years old….

But two days ago, I went to the store and purchased, for myself, a single banana.

I haven’t eaten it yet, and I’ll admit, I’m kind of nervous about it.

Matt asked if I was worried about the taste or the texture, and the answer is: Yes.

In light of the heart uncomfortableness I’ve mentioned, I’ve gone to the doctor for a physical (which included an EKG) and had bloodwork done.

EKG was okay, didn’t reveal anything terrible.

Cholesterol came back a little high… not high enough to require medicine, but still. Enough to make me rethink my eating habits a tiny bit.

Hence, the banana sitting on the counter waiting for me to work up the courage to eat it.

I don’t even know if bananas are low in cholesterol or are a wise snacking option for someone who has slightly elevated cholesterol, but whatever. It’s not cheese or salami or chips—my usual go to’s.

My goal for today (along with revising Chapter 4 of my in-progress novel) is to eat that damn banana.

Also, I’m supposed to go look at another house a little later today.

A Confession About Bananas: Part 2

A Confession About Bananas: Part 2

MISSING: Our car. Our pavers. Our sanity.

MISSING: Our car. Our pavers. Our sanity.