

Welcome to my newest blogging endeavor - complete with some oldies (but goodies) culled from my old blogging-sites.

2015 Books

2015 Books

Here’s my highly anticipated year-end reading summary… complete with a picture of me in my pajamas standing next to a pile of books.

I have to start by saying that this isn’t a very complete pile… or list.

In our last house, I always cleared off a section of shelf in January – and throughout the year – as I finished books – that’s where they went. 

When we started packing, I carefully labeled all my boxes of books so I could find not only my “current year” shelf but also my “on deck” shelf.  However – with the aid of fast-moving movers – those boxes are somewhere in the deep recesses of the condo guest-bedroom-turned-storage-unit.  Once I realized those books were as good as gone (at least until we get into our new house), I jotted down the few titles that I could remember from that shelf. 

And, then…. there were a few books that I borrowed from our downstairs neighbor…

So, the final count  - that I know for sure I read in 2015 – was 27.  I feel like there were probably a few more…. Maybe I’ll amend this post when we start unpacking boxes (probably not).

My “favorites” in no particular order:  Goodbye to All That, Never Can Say Goodbye, Better Than Before, The House on First Street, Me and Emma, The Other Typist, Think Like a Freak, and Who Do you Think you Are?   

I mentioned in my book post LAST year that I had been doing some writing – and I’m still working on that.  It’s starting to shape up… a little bit.  I have 150+ typed pages (73,000+ words) that, for the most part, come together to tell a story…

In quasi-related news – we’re down to only a few weeks left before we close on our new house… AND I DON’T HAVE ANYHWHERE SPECIFIC FOR MY BOOKS TO GO!!!  I would be lying if I said this isn’t a real source of stress for me.  I bet that 40% of our boxes are filled with books.  And, as many of you know – in our last house we had custom built-in shelves installed on TWO walls to accommodate our books…  (This idea just came to me – Matt – maybe we could fill the PANTRY with books!!!  It could be like a little walk-in library.)  I don’t know if I want to do built-ins again…. So maybe I need to shelf-shop…. Oh, my.

Another Day, Another Blog

Another Day, Another Blog

Bed Blogs!

Bed Blogs!